When August 10, 2023 at 6:00pm 3 hrs
Contact Chicago Republican Party [email protected] 773-791-7907

Join us for our quarterly meeting of the Chicago GOP Central Committee

All Chicago Republicans are invited. Please RSVP on this page to your right. Social hour (including pizza & salad) from 6pm. Meeting begins at 7pm with the Pledge of Allegiance. We're excited to welcome Jeanne Ives, AM-560 radio host/public policy expert and current IL GOP State Central Committee member; former IL State Rep and 2018 GOP Primary Gubernatorial candidate, as our guest speaker for the evening! The evening's agenda will primarily focus on the coming petition circulation process beginning just after Labor Day, as well as candidate recruitment for various elected offices in Chicago & Cook County, and also the Chicago GOP committeeman elections.


Will you come?