When May 07, 2022 at 10:30am 3 hrs
Where Columbus & Balbo - Downtown Chicago Columbus and Balbo, Chicago, IL 60605, United States
Contact Chicago GOP Office [email protected] (312) 681-7382


Join with Chicago's Polish Community on Saturday to Celebrate the Signing of the Polish Constitution!!!

The Chicago Republican Party, led by GOP City Chairman Steve Boulton & Northside GOP President Brian Kasal, are proud to participate in the celebration of 'Swieto Trzeciego Maja’, honoring the adoption of Poland’s first Constitution.  We share in the hope of this year’s theme:

“Freedom and Peace for All!”

You are enthusiastically invited to join the Chicago Republican Party on Saturday, May 7 for the annual Polish Constitution Day Parade.

Committeepersons, Candidates and former candidates will lead our walk behind the Chicago Republican Party banner, but we're hopeful to have Republicans of all stripes join us, as well.

Of course, if you would like to have your spouse, significant other or your children and neighbors join us, please feel free to invite them on our behalf!

We're also looking for 3 or 4 high school or college-age Republicans to carry our brand new banner in front of our group. If you have someone at home who would be willing to help with this, please contact the Chicago GOP, ASAP: [email protected]

The parade steps off at 11:30am. We will be gathering between 10:15 & 10:30am on Balbo, between Michigan Ave & Columbus, and will march (smile, walk & wave) about 5 big blocks, heading north on Columbus Drive, once the parade begins. 

The weather will be MUCH improved over the St. Patrick's Day Parade!!!

We suggest you dress for the weather which is currently looking like: Partly Cloudy with some peeks from the sun, High of 53, but also try to have some shade of RED & WHITE on your person, whether it be a hat, scarf, gloves, jacket, pants, shoes.....whatever, but please remember, you ARE representing the Republican Party.

We'll be providing more information via email about the lineup and parking at about 36-hours before the parade begins, so please RSVP so we can update you. Should be an exciting and fun event!

Polish Constitution Day Parade

Will you come?