The second Wednesday of the month is coming up fast. It is the traditional meeting date for our monthly Chicago GOP Central Committeemen meetings.
This meeting is open to the public!
Wednesday, October 12
6pm Social/7pm Meeting
Chicago Republican Party
Central Committee Meeting
We're headed to the South Side!
The World Renown Connie's Pizza
2373 S Archer Ave
Great space, great parking, great can you go wrong?
We'll have as much campaign literature for the County-wides and State-wides as we can lay our hands on.
We'll also be discussing various state-wide and county-wide candidacies and what things look like AT THAT MOMENT.
WE NEED TO GET OUT THE VOTE LIKE NEVER BEFORE!!! The 2022 election may be a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make some change and accel our efforts into 2024.....let's not miss it.
We'll also be talking about 2023 Aldermanic races AND Police Commission races.
We've got some great GOP candidates running in November and we have at least confounded the Democrats thus far, as we know they've been complaining to their Republican acquaintances quite loudly!