"Time's UP Chuy!"
Lupe Castillo Official Kickoff Event
Wednesday, July 31 - 6:00 to 8:00pm
Nuevo Leon - 3657 W 26th Street
Dear Friends!
Our first Southwest Side GOP Club event will be held Wednesday, July 31st, at 6:00pm at Nuevo Leon Restaurant in Little Village.
One of the goals is to increase visibility in our diverse neighborhood in Chicago by presenting key candidates that will be on the ballot this coming November.
We ask our guests to graciously patronize and support our 4th Congressional District Candidate, Lupe Castillo, in this fundraising event. Registration in advance can be completed by making your donation to the QR code (find your bank, then scan the code within your app: Lupe Castillo for Congress).
We can also accept cash and checks at the door: RSVP by sending us an email at [email protected]
We look forward to seeing you there!
Carlos Alvarez,
President, Southwest Side GOP Club & 23rd Ward Committeeman