When March 10, 2022 at 4:00pm 30 mins
Where Zoom Call with Election Strategy Committee Chicago, IL, United States
Contact Jeff Fiedler [email protected] 773-791-7907

Please Join Us on Thursday at 4pm

As we're sure you're aware, the city of Chicago has been teetering on the brink of disaster for almost two years. The violence, the failing school system, the taxes, Mayor Lightfoot's style and demeanor, the COVID-related mandates and the ongoing corruption are all the ingredients necessary to start us into a tailspin, that might not allow for a recovery. 

Since May of 2020 - under the cover of Covid - we've been working to revitalize the Chicago Republican Party. 2014's success of gaining enough votes in Chicago to sneak Bruce Rauner into the Governor's office and catapult Judy Baar Topinka back into the Comptroller's seat was short-lived, but could be a model for what we need to shoot for in 2022, 2023 and 2024, as we re-introduce common sense to a city that is struggling to stay afloat, while being ripped apart by Socialist programs, Progressive policies and corrupt, self-serving, Democrats.

Please RSVP to join us for 30 minutes Thursday, March 10 at 4pm as Chicago Northside GOP President Brian Kasal, myself, and the Chicago GOP Election Strategy Committee walk you through what we've accomplished and what we're about to attempt, as we offer the Chicago Republican Party as an alternative to the mayhem provided by the Democrats and their special interests.

Topic: Chicago GOP Election Strategy

Time: 4pm, Thursday, March 10, 2022

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89909672494?pwd=a0RCTlhjaDE0blhFbXpRNkhuNGNwZz09

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Meeting ID: 899 0967 2494
Passcode: 932501

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If you can't make it today, but would like to join us at another time, or if you have any questions, please email our Executive Director Jeff Fiedler.

Yours in Chicago's future,


Steve Boulton

Chairman, Chicago Republican Party

32nd Ward GOP Committeeman

Will you come?