When January 29, 2024 at 7:00pm 2 hrs
Contact Chicago Republican Party Office Staff [email protected] 773-791-7907

We've Completely Reformatted Monday Night's Event

Welcome Mark Carter!

Chicago Republican Party Chair Steve Boulton will interview

Chicago Activist Mark Carter, who has appeared very recently on Fox News,

multiple Conservative social media outlets and other prominent Conservative Media 

Steve will ask Mark to discuss his energetic & passionate activism throughout the city; his work in Chicago's Black community to change hearts and minds, allowing them to understand how they are being used by the Democrats for votes, and then swept aside until the next election. Mark will also offer some insight into the Office of New Americans, initiated during the Obama administration and a subject Mark Carter has studied for nearly a decade!

January 29 at the Billy Goat Inn - 1535 W Madison Street

As an added bonus, the second half of our evening will feature a panel discussion on Republican Strategy

from now through November: The panel will featuring Mark Carter, two Republican leaders from

Chicago and a right-leaning senior member of the SEIU

Due to the withdrawal of our guest speaker earlier this week, we've completely reformatted our Monday evening event and are ready to offer you an exciting, educational and invigorating event that will help you understand why things are the way they are in Chicago, and what's happening in Chicago's Black community in the last 12 months, in line with the transfer of 34,000 migrants and illegal immigrants to Chicago from the southern border. Please JOIN US on Monday, January 29 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Billy Goat Inn on Madison Street!

You can join us by RSVP'ing ($50) for our Monday, January 29, Chicago Republican Party . We'll be gathering at the Billy Goat Inn, 1535 N Madison at the Ogden/Madison/Ashland triangle.

Get there by 7:00pm and grab your meal ticket featuring the Billy Goat Inn's iconic sandwiches, fries and a non-alcoholic beverage (Cash bar available). Steve's interview with Mark will start at approximately 7:30pm

Looking forward to having you with us on Monday, January 29 from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at the Billy Goat Inn on Madison Street!

 You or your firm can become a Premier Platinum Sponsor of this

Chicago Republican Party Event for $2500

Premier Platinum Event Sponsor


Additional Sponsorships for this event at $250 - $500 - $1000

All proceeds raised from this event help support:

  • Our office rent and utilities
  • Our Ward Committeemen and Neighborhood Coordinators support local candidates through volunteer recruitment, canvassing, voter registration, outreach and training
  • Our Communications Committee increase voter contact through mailers, email blasts and text messaging on the issues that matter to voters across Chicago's 50 Wards
  • The creation of coalitions with voters that care about the issues that we do, but aren't voting Republican or are not voting at all!
  • Technology and data tools and support that help us contact and involve base, turnout, and persuadable voters whose votes we need to win elections
  • Parade fees and special events

Interested in sponsoring this event? Check out our sponsorship packages here!

Select your tickets
Fundraiser for ChiGOP with Paul Vallas