Chicago GOP on CPS Leadership: "Basic decency is now beyond them!"

The Chicago Republican Party is outraged by the recent announcement by Chicago Public Schools that the mixing of sexes within school bathrooms is now optional. 

According to an email sent to parents, Chicago Public Schools has enacted a new restroom policy. All bathrooms are now to carry signs that say "Girls+ All who feel comfortable are welcome to use this restroom" and "Boys+ All who feel comfortable are welcome to use this restroom".

In other words, boys are now welcome to use the girls' restroom if they feel "comfortable" doing so. An eighth-grade boy could walk into a Girls+ bathroom with a third-grade girl, and he would be “welcome".

“This policy is simply shocking,” said Chairman Steve Boulton, “to the point of wondering if the relevant officials are off their heads, or so warped by woke ideology that basic decency is now beyond them.”  

“We demand to know if parents were consulted before this bizarre policy was decided upon,” Boulton continued, “particularly parents of school-age girls. Does CPS headquarters have such bathrooms, or is this policy just for vulnerable school-age children? Just imagine how much damage to students will result from this exercise in lunacy.”     

The Chicago Republican Party is committed to providing the public with sound policy choices for elections, and having established a policy on returning professional policing to Chicago, is now taking up a full analysis of the swamp of woke thinking that is the Chicago Public Schools. 


Stephen Boulton


Speaking Republican truth to power in Chicago.