CHICAGO, IL ---“It’s been more than four years since Lori Lighfoot ruthlessly removed three Christopher Columbus statues on city and park district property. Her actions sided with a false narrative of history and insulted an entire culture,” said R. Cary Capparelli, Republican candidate for the special two-year term for Commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.
There is federal law that extends to other forms of authority and city ordinances that criminalizes the destruction of government monuments. This would include the recent defacing by protestors of Buckingham Fountain. In this instance, no arrests were made.
Despite ‘talk’ about creating a park dedicated to statues, Capparelli said there has been no obvious progress on this idea but offered a solution.
“The MWRD, depending on source of information, is the largest or second largest land owner in metropolitan Chicago with over 8,000 or 9,000 acres. This land is either in need of beautification, has already been partially beautified, or loaned to various suburban parks. If elected, I would propose permanently relocating these monuments on MWRD property to create an accommodating park atmosphere that can be enjoyed by all respectful citizens.”
Capparelli continued, “No great explorer or notable American is safe from ‘leftists’ who want to destroy our wonderful heritages. “The MWRD can protect the likes of du Sable, Grant, Jefferson, King, Lincoln, Pulaski, Washington and others by providing an anchored place for statues denied in the city for political reasons.”